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As the first step to Values Education Project in Kindergarten our students have been given seminars on the values and the importance of values that will be explored throughout the year.  

After students had been informed what value means, they watched a video to further explore the topic and share ideas as to what possible values could be fostered throughout the year. Thus we started teaching the values Respect, Patience and Responsibility under the general heading ‘love’ here at Üsküdar SEV. As for the second stage, homeroom and branch teachers shared examplary works and main concepts that make up values. The importance of this project to be supported with interdisciplinary studies was also emphasized in this workshop with our faculty members. In the third phase of the project, after being informed by their teachers about values, students shared their own works that they created using methods such as drama, slogans and pictures with their friends. Our values will continue throughout the year with activities that are prepared in accordance with their age group.

Our project is supported by our parents by choosing photographs with our students from magazines or newspapers, taking photos or sending books about values.