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Uskudar SEV Primary School’s educators participated “Second Step Program” the full-day workshop which was coached by Seçil Akaygün and Suzi Levi Mizrahi on the 4th of November.

Children take the first step in problem solving by expressing their emotions and recognizing the emotions of others.

When a child can interpret the messages of others s/he can find the possible solutions to problems, learn the impulse control and manage self-control and thus, proceeds in finding her/his personhood and builds self-confidence. This chain leads to an increase in school success because of the fact that social-emotional development supports mental development.

The children, who continue developing their social-emotional skills properly can control themselves, find proper solutions to problems and have empathy for others. Consequently, possible disagreements are prevented and there happens less physical and emotional violence.

Starting from the first encounter with school, Second Step Program helps children to develop their skills such as having empathy for others, the impulse control, the problem solving and anger management. As a result, this program prepares them socially and emotionally equipped for their future education.

For raising children with high awareness, self-control and the ability to build sound communications, the first step is education…

For succeeding in this task, the thing that will help school teachers is Second Step…