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What did the kindergarten students do this week?...


  • Starting from the month of October, the kindergarten students will begin the day  together with the Orff activity “Circle Dance.” Our students can be found in the corridors of our school every morning, doing the appropriate steps along with the music, following each other with the actions, and experiencing the feeling of “togetherness.”


  • Kindergarten classes observed the differences that occurred in the school garden and learned about how nature changes in Autumn. Each class made their own “Autumn” display from the materials collected.


  • Emergency Training was given to all kindergarten students by the Assistant Principal, Derya Bakar. 


  • Kindergarten classes did lots of different activities to celebrate World Children’s Day.  Students watched a presentation, learned about different countries and their cultures, sang a song, and did a coloring activity of the different children from all over the world.


  • Kindergarten classes learned about animals and did activities about animal protection.  Students did group studies under the headings of animal habitat, physical characteristics, types of shelter and nutrition. Students talked about their favorite animal and then made a graph showing class favorites.