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Our fourth grade students did an experiment based on the late Japanese researcher, Dr. Masuru Emoto’s rice experiment.  The experiment consisted of three identical glass jars.  The same measured amount of cooked rice was put into each of the jars.  The jars were sealed with electrical tape.  Each jar was given different labels, “Love”, “Hate” and “Ignore”.  Students were encouraged to hold the “Love” jar and say kind things- “You are nice.”  Students were also encourage to hold the “Hate” jar and say hurtful things-“You are horrible.” The “Ignore” jar was neither touched nor spoken to at all.  Using the Scientific Method, our fourth grade students observed the rice in the jars for a period of eight weeks. The experiment was started during Friendship Week. We were all amazed at the results!  The conclusion of the experiment was that positive attention is best, however, negative attention is much better than no attention at all.