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Social Responsibility Projects are a priority for everyone at the SEV Primary School. Our school places importance on multiculturalism, celebrating our differences, world peace and refugee integration. In line, the project for the 2017-2018 academic year was to collect school supplies for the Syrian refugee students at Istanbul’s Yavuzturk Primary School.   To finance this endeavor, on World Art Day, our students raised funds using crafts they made for this purpose. Parents and students supported the project going together to buy school supplies, water bottles, notebooks, books, etc.  Our students completed the project, received a certificate, and got the satisfaction by touching another’s life. Our students fulfilled their social responsibility as they brought their goods to school and then placed them in boxes in the school corridor. Kindergarten Vice Principal Derya Bakar, along with Zeynep Turkmen, and SEV parent and İNGEV representative Pelin Yusufi, delivered the boxes. The SEV family was happy to have this experience of helping others. We would like to thank our teachers, students and parents for their valuable support.