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Four students from Grade 4 English Drama Club attended ISTA Wiesbaden Primary School Festival which is an activity of International Schools Theatre Assossiation, with their teachers N. Oya Balcık and Tanya Şahin. Students from six International Schools attended the festival with their teachers. Our students represented our school and country the best way with their fluency in English, drama skills and being respectful to others. Our students were hosted by American families, they became good friends with the children of the host families that will last a life long time.

They wandered around Wiesbaden in order to gather information about the topic of the festival. The starting point of the festival were castles, knights and magical stories. While discovering the magical atmosphere of the medieval with the play, they learnt what kind of stories they would talk about and how to dramatize it. While discovering the past, they realized what kind of things they could grasp about the present. They engaged in fun group activities which help them improve their senses and perceptual skills. At the end of the 2.5 days of hard work, students performed a 30 minute Show to the audience.