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In order to carry through our students’ social, cultural and sportive developments,  all the Club work that we put into operation at the beginning of this school year were carried out all throughout the year and completed in line with the plans. As it’s the same with most of the Club works, our students found the opportunity to display the products, and work they created and put their shows on stage. Each Club’s specific works, sculpture, comics, photography, fashion and design shows were presented at school and also to the parents.

At the celebrations which were organized on 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day in our school, our gymnastics club presented shows for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Graders. On the same day, the Origami and Jewelry Design Clubs displayed the things that they had produced all the year round at the booths. Our students who participated in the social activities and clubs had the chance to express themselves and show their talents. A more objective approach of guiding the students is provided for the teachers after working at the clubs with the students.