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In the context of Library Week activities, "Book Lottery" event was held among our students in believing that "the day you do not read, you are in darkness". As being the "elders" we, the teachers and the administrators, also drew lots among us.

At the end of 26th of March, Monday, everyone presented books as gifts while drinking their tea/coffee. Our school's security and cleaning staff shared this joy with us, too. Our School Principal Saliha Aslan gifted books to them.

In the context of Library Week activities, "Book Lottery" event was held among our students in believing that "the day you do not read, you are in darkness". As being the "elders" we, the teachers and the administrators, also drew lots among us.

At the end of 26th of March, Monday, everyone presented books as gifts while drinking their tea/coffee. Our school's security and cleaning staff shared this joy with us, too. Our School Principal Saliha Aslan gifted books to them.