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English Lessons

Within our English Dual Language Education Program, English is acquired as a natural part of school life. Based on experiential learning, activities are integrated throughout the day. Students use the language not only as a skill but also as a communication tool embedded within its culture. Concepts learned through play and physical activities are reinforced according to the needs of early childhood education.


In lessons conducted by our international teachers, phonemic awareness activities are also included. Additionally, experiments and project-based learning are incorporated into the curriculum through an interdisciplinary approach. To support presentation skills, regular "Show & Tell" activities are held every week.


As part of being global citizens, "respect for different cultures" is a key objective in the language acquisition process. During Library Time sessions held in the kindergarten library, students engage with English storybooks that foster creativity. Starting from preschool, students can borrow books from the library on weekends, helping them develop early reading habits and a sense of responsibility for book care.

As part of the GEMS (Great Explorations in Math and Science) activities, hands-on content that lays the foundation for early childhood Mathematics and Science skills, promotes permanent learning, and encourages students' curiosity and exploration is included in the program in English.


In Life Competencies lessons, essential future skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, communication, creativity, social responsibility, and technology literacy are prioritized as fundamental aspects of our curriculum to prepare students for the future.


In Around the World lessons, students explore different cultures and countries. Through the celebration of national and international days, the goal is to cultivate global citizenship awareness.


Creative Thinkers

In early childhood education, fostering creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration skills is crucial for children's cognitive, emotional, and social development. Creativity enables children to generate original ideas and use their imagination. Collaboration supports social interaction, empathy, and teamwork, helping children adapt to group dynamics.

In this process, our Creative Thinkers lessons incorporate pedagogical approaches such as play-based learning, constructivist methods, and project-based learning. These lessons, conducted in English, not only develop students’ English language skills but also encourage their active participation through engaging activities.