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Third Grade Courses:

In our Social Sciences courses, our aim is to enable our students to gain independent learning skills by:

·         Enjoy learning.

·         Be in harmony with her/himself and their social environment.

·         Recognize, protect and develop her/himself, their nation and homeland, and their natural environment.

·         Be equipped with the basic knowledge necessary in everyday life for their generation and learn appropriate life skills.

·         Be flexible enough to adapt dynamic changes.

·         Live in accordance with The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child treaty.

·         Be world citizens who respect universal values and differences and have taken on their own learning responsibilities.

·         Be individuals who develop social awareness, participate in social responsibility projects and are sensitive to their environment.

·         Internalize Atatürk's principles and reforms and ensure the continuity of these values.

·         Develop their character into becoming happy individuals.

The lessons are conducted as individual and group studies, supported by school field trips and educational technology, and are designed to prepare a foundation for our students to learn through hands-on activities and personal experience.


In our Science courses, within the scope of living creatures and life, matter and change, physical phenomena, and the world and universe, students learn the features of animals, different kinds of energy such as light, sound and electricity, the concepts of motion and force, the shape and structure of the Earth and the occurring changes. The courses are designed to be in line with the approach of research, reviewing and exploring.


Within the context of the science course studies, we aim to raise individuals who:

• Have 21st century and digital citizenship skills and use technology effectively and properly.

• Are creative and have problem solving skills, sophisticated and critical thinking skills, and have independent decision-making and inquiry skills.

• Develop social awareness and participate in social responsibility projects.

• Are conscientious of living a healthy lifestyle.

• Are sensitive to environmental problems and the natural environment.

• Have the ability to work individually and cooperatively with their peers and their environment.


In our Turkish courses, our aim is to equip our students with the abilities of efficient use of the Turkish language, effectively express themselves through written and verbal communication, develop appropriate and correct usage of their mother tongue, develop good reading habits, and improve their speaking, comprehension, reading, writing and listening skills. Our thematically prepared in-class studies are enriched with activities that will provide excellent comprehension to assist in the improvement of their skills and habits. When activities are organized, we focus to create activities that will serve to improve students’ creative and critical thinking skills, and to be in line with other lessons. The recognition of different writing styles is provided through multi-cultural books. Through having an understanding of the book authors, the books are evaluated appropriately. The librarians have weekly vocal and quiet reading lessons to ensure that our students use written resources correctly and effectively.


In our Math courses, our aim is for our students to learn through hands-on activities and personal experience related with topics such as numbers, processes, and problem-solving skills under the scope of the learning areas of numbers, geometry, measuring and data processing, (i.e. statistics and probability). Since this generation is transitioning from the concrete period to the abstract period, lesson plans are designed to consider personal learning experiences with their developmental levels and individual differences of our students.

With the content of our math courses we aim to raise individuals who:

• Recognize mathematical concepts and can use mathematics language effectively.

• Have the ability to associate mathematics within their everyday life.

• Develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and develop self-confidence using their mathematical skills.

• Have the ability to reason, predict, compare, and solve problems.

• Use mathematics in connection with other disciplines.