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“Dad, have you ever seen a floppy disk?”


It is clear that 30-40 years ago, when computer manufacturers were dreaming of a computer in every household, they could not even imagine what things would be like today. Multiple computers in every house, an internet-enabled telephone or tablet in every hand… Today we are surrounded by technology.

The IT Department of Üsküdar SEV Elementary school aims to raise digitally literate students who can effectively use IT tools, and use correct and reliable sources to make researches, follow recent trends and technologies to develop their problem-solving skills.  In line with these aims, our students as digitally literates, will be able to prepare their homework, use the correct sources by giving appropriate references, visit web sites from reliable sources and master the basic computer and coding skills. 


As a unit of SEV family, to up skill students in technology to keep pace with today’s changing and developing world is in the forefront. Students starting from the preschool are introduced to the computer science and reach to a level of mastering the coding, digital citizenship, internet safety and ethics, search techniques web 2.0, basic design (2D-3D) and MAKER tools by the time they graduate.   Students   as from grade 4,   use online (Google Suite) tools to develop collaborative projects and present them to their friends



Digital citizenship lessons are being taught at all grade levels in the first term of every school year. National and International sources (Kesf@ Project, CommonSenseMedia, etc.) are used to provide digital citizenship and internet safety skills. Students are informed and provided activities on the following subjects appropriate to their age levels

·         Digital Confidentiality and Safety

  • Self-expression and Digital Identity
  • Become part of Internet Culture
  • Plagiarism and Respect for Others Studies  
  • Cyberbullying





Students as from the preschool, are introduced to coding activities to improve algorithmic, problem solving and critical thinking skills.  Some of our coding activities are as follows:

·         Cubetto

  • Code.org
  • Tynker
  • Scratch Jr
  • All Can Code 
  • Scratch
  • BB8-Parrot-Sphero Coding
  • Mbot Coding
  • Vex Coding




The Maker Movement is a cultural trend that has gained momentum in the last years.  Along with this movement, students at young ages, develop the understanding of “do-it- yourself” and express ideas and opinions in a sophisticated manner.  Through maker studies included into our curriculum, we aim to bring students to a level of developing multilateral thinking and problem solving skills, for adapting to today’s changing and developing world.