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Grade 1


The aim of Grade 1 English is to improve the concepts and the vocabulary that our students have learned in kindergarten and to improve their understanding of the language in general. In Grade 1 English classes, we work with textbooks and workbooks. Moreover, there is a story book series that aims to make the lessons more enjoyable, to expose the students to language acquisition and to help them gain a literary perspective. The authentic language and unique illustrations used in this story book series helps the students to learn the usage of everyday language. A great variety of games and activities are successfully carried out. Students also act out the stories they have read in order to improve their speaking skills. These stories are supported by the "Talking Stories" that students enjoy by applying Smart Board activities. Technology is also integrated into the curriculum as well to further help students use the language and to possess real-life communication skills. Educational iPad applications are utilized as warming up activities. During the second semester, students start reading in English by using phonics and decoding.  Grade 1 English lessons are supported with songs, games, videos, different kinds of visuals (i.e. flash cards, projects and drama activities). In-class activities are carefully prepared by the teachers who teach the course and language learning techniques are extensively used. Twice a week English classes are carried out in the library in order to help students foster an appreciation for literature by looking at different books and checking out books to read at home. 


In addition, to foster a love of reading, our students read books selected specifically at their own level (weekly) with the online reading program "Kids A-Z" which includes a rich collection of e-books followed by comprehension activities.



Grade 2

Our Grade 2 English program is based on the importance of learning as a lifelong process. Therefore, the four basic skills (listening-speaking-reading-writing), which support each other, are simultaneously improved as the students work on critical thinking skills and do group work activities. With all studies, the aim is to make the students love the language and take the responsibility of their own learning at an early age. Students are provided with the opportunity to carry out analyses through different kinds of chosen texts. They also improve their written and verbal interpretation skills as they build fluency and expand their vocabulary through spelling activities. Students discover their creativity and improve their writing skills with in-class projects. Project based learning helps students practice writing by brainstorming, planning and sharing their ideas in guided-writing activities to fully express their thoughts both in oral and written communication.


Once a week English classes are carried out in the library by our library teacher in order to listen to stories, get acquainted with different genres and check out books to read at home.  Reading fosters the students’ imagination and increases their exposure to another language and the responsibility of checking out and returning books provides students with enthusiasm for reading.


In addition, to foster a love of reading, our students read books selected specifically at their own level (weekly) with the online reading program "Kids A-Z" which includes a rich collection of e-books followed by comprehension activities.


Moreover, there is a story book series that aim to make the lessons more enjoyable, to expose the students to language acquisition and to help them gain a literary perspective.  The authentic language and unique illustrations used in this story book series help the students to learn the usage of everyday language. A great variety of games and activities is successfully carried out. Students also act out the stories they have read in order to improve their speaking skills. These stories are supported by the "Talking Stories" that students enjoy by applying Smart Board activities. Technology is also integrated into the curriculum as well to further help students use the language and to possess real-life communication skills. Educational iPad applications are utilized as reinforcement activities.



Grade 3

Our Grade 3 English program consists of two different courses- Main Course and Language Arts. These courses have been designed to improve students’ language skills that they acquired in grades 1 and 2. While students continue to recycle and use the previously learned words, more complex words are integrated into their active vocabulary.  In addition to that, students improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.  Students read a wide variety of texts and a collection of story/ chapter books. The power of reading stories is emphasized. Students listen, read, interpret and analyze stories.


A great variety of games and activities is successfully carried out in English lessons. Students act out the stories they have read in order to improve their speaking skills. Technology is also integrated into the curriculum to further help students use the language and to possess real-life communication skills. Stories are supported by the "Talking Stories" program applied via Smart Board activities. Educational iPad applications are utilized to reinforce the language.


Students are introduced to the elements of paragraph writing (beginning, middle, end). They also start keeping journals in order to practice different types of paragraph writing. Grammar, parts of speech, punctuation are an integral part of journal writing. Students continue writing creatively and learn to convey their ideas and gain confidence in written expression through writing projects.


Grade 3 students are taken to the library every other week. With the guidance of a librarian, students read books and carry out related activities. To carry on with independent reading skills that they have acquired earlier, students check out books to read at home and continue this process regularly. In addition, to foster a love of reading, our students read books selected specifically at their own level (weekly) with the online reading program "Kids A-Z" which includes a rich collection of e-books followed by comprehension activities.

The program aims to teach the language to the students through different teaching methods and turn the learning process into an enjoyable experience. We aim to make students active learners and create a learning environment that helps make connections with the outside world. By the end of Grade 3, students reach the second level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.  



Grade 4

Our Grade 4 English program consists of four courses, Main Course, Language Arts, STEM and Visual Arts.

Main Course lessons mainly focus on grammar structures. These lessons are enriched with interactive smart board activities, projects, games, educational websites and iPad apps. In addition to that, students start practicing for Cambridge Young Learners Flyers Exam.

These lessons introduce and review different verb tenses and grammatical structures. Group work and a large usage of technology play an important role to improve students’ verbal communication skills. In line with 21st century skills, journal writing is differentiated via RAFT (Role Audience Format Topic).

Grade 4 students are taken to the library every other week. With the guidance of a librarian, students read books and carry out related activities. To carry out the independent reading skills that they have acquired earlier, students check out books to read at home and continue this process regularly. In addition, to foster a love of reading, our students read books selected specifically at their own level (weekly) with the online reading program "Kids A-Z" which includes a rich collection of e-books followed by comprehension activities.

Homework makes up a complementary portion of these lessons and it is regularly assigned to revise the concepts learned in class. Projects are usually prepared in class.

There are two common exams each semester which cover the concepts studied in the modules of the text book and are given to check students’ progress of the learning.  In addition to these exams, classwork and participation play an important role to evaluate students’ performance.

In Grade 4 Language Arts lessons, students study books with different genres to improve their reading skills. Projects help the students’ reach the targeted objectives of the books and their content. These projects involve oral presentations, paragraph writing work, drama activities and physical activities. In these lessons, students are introduced to different types of literary approaches. Creative themes help students improve their listening, writing and reading skills. Moreover, the grammatical structures studied in Main Course lessons are reviewed with supporting exercises.

Students use iPads to do projects and various revision activities using different applications. iPads also help them understand how they can integrate these technologies into their learning. Students are introduced to the concept of “Digital Citizenship” and are expected to follow this responsibility in their lives. 



Educational Technology

Education Technology courses are taught to support Language Arts classes using iPad class sets. One lesson per week is dedicated to iPad class to help students create projects, revise and reinforce the language with different applications. In this way, while students are introduced to new technologies, an understanding as to how these technologies will be integrated into their learning process is gained. In addition, it is aimed that students understand and internalize the importance of being “digital citizens” in all aspects of school life and further continue this responsibility in their own lives.



STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math)

Our STEM course is designed to parallel the fourth grade Turkish Math and Science curricula.  It also provides students with an opportunity to connect what they have learned in class with hands-on real world experiences. Its STEM program enables students to learn through collaboration using creativity and critical thinking skills as well as using the Scientific Method and scientific inquiry for exploration and discovery.  Our students are encouraged to grow through experience as independent learners, each junior scientist is taught to be a productive member of their group which is a vital part of Project Based Learning.



Visual Arts

Our Visual Arts program allows students to understand English Art Vocabulary, to collaborate and share with other students in groups, and write reports about the works that have been completed, as needed. Over the course of the year, students are expected to develop a range of visual expression methods using art terminology and a variety of art mediums.

Visual Arts helps students express themselves creatively in written and oral communication and to use English language in real life outside the classroom and further develop their visual expression skills. Students will enhance their visual learning experience through the study of art from other cultures, as well as their own rich Turkish Heritage.