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You can do everything to a school but if there is no library at school, it is as if you have done nothing.

                                                                                                                                     (J. Ferry)


An integral part of education, our library lessons are primarily aimed at educating our students on how to use the library. Our lessons are conducted in two languages, Turkish and English. Our English classes are carried out by reading selected books in parallel with the curriculum by a native librarian, making projects supporting the books and borrowing books. In our Turkish library lessons, cultural books selected by our classroom teachers are read and evaluated. From time to time, independent reading is done to foster selecting books based on personal interest, borrowing, returning and taking responsibility for the book students have checked out. Students are allowed to use the computers in the library for research purposes.


A special first-term program is applied for our first-grade students; books are read by our Turkish library teacher and projects are made aiming for students to foster a love for the library and books. Our students are allowed to get character toys of the books from a special section in our library.


Guest Speakers are invited to our school from time to time in order to introduce the authors of the cultural books read and to evaluate the books together. In the past our school has welcomed dozens of writers who have taken an important place in Turkish Children's Literature.


In Library Week and World Children's Books Week, various activities are held at our school and students are encouraged to become life-long readers with an appreciation of books. We continue our work in the effort of upbringing good readers of the future and active library users of our country.