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“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

Confucius (Chinese philosopher)


Primary education is the time when children gain an understanding of basic scientific concepts and develop their oral and written skills of expression; it is a time when they begin to discover themselves, become aware of social roles and models, and learn to learn.

The aims of primary education are:

  • To educate children according to their interests, needs and talents and to prepare them for life in the next stage of education;
  • To ensure they have a healthy physical, intellectual, cognitive and social development;
  • To ensure that they are equipped with the necessary means to develop into individuals with the ability to think freely and scientifically, who value human rights and who listen to and respect other opinions.

In working towards these aims, the programs at Üsküdar SEV Elementary School:

  • Are designed to match the age-level and educational aims of each grade;
  • Offer equal support for intellectual, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social development;
  • Make use of modern learning techniques;
  • Are based on active and participatory learning.