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You can't go a single day without making an impact on the world around you. What you do makes the difference; so you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall

SEV Middle School aims to raise individuals who are respectful and sensitive to our world, to the resources we have, and the rights of living things. Acting with this awareness, we apply the International Eco Schools Program.


The Eco-Schools Program provides environmental awareness, environmental management, and sustainable development education in schools. With a participatory approach, students both acquire information on environmental issues and take an active role in raising awareness of their families, local governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on environmental issues.

Our school is a member of the "Eco-Schools" (Children's Environmental Harmony) Project, which is coordinated by the Foundation for Environmental Education in Turkey, representing the Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe.

Many schools in Europe participate in this project, whose main theme changes every two years. Schools that successfully complete the 7 steps of the program for two years apply for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.



The Eco-Schools Program, in addition to providing schools with a guiding program on environmental education also has the feature of being an award plan as it gives the Green Flag award to schools that have achieved outstanding success with their work within the program and the environmental education they provide. The Green Flag is an internationally recognized and respected symbol of an environmentally conscious school .

After our school became a member of the program, it carried out activities on the themes of recycling, water and biodiversity, and most recently won the "Green Flag" award as a result of its successful environmental activities during the 2021-22 academic year.




This consists of students selected from different classes with a coordinator teacher. Eko-Tim is the director of the program and takes an active role in many stages from the creation and implementation of the school action plan to its sharing with the school community, and then working to raise the awareness of friends at school about the Eco-School program.


Our students, as group participating in this process will;

  • Recognize problems, produce solutions and discussions with the school community,
  • Set goals together and progress by cooperating in line with these goals,
  • Make and implement decisions,
  • Make plans and write reports
  • Lead in changing consumption habits,
  • Inform the school community of current events and create an action plan to respond,
  • Make joint decisions by working collaboratively,
  • Create awareness of our natural resources and their need for protection
  • Create behavior change by raising awareness in and around himself.




The main theme of SEV Middle School in the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years is "Environmental Pollution (air, water, soil, light pollution)".