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"Education is not to be a sterile mind-stuffing activity in which the child is a bucket to be filled, instead the child must participate and see what is studied as relevant to his or her own experience."
John Dewey


The Department of Social Studies aims to educate individuals who have adopted Atatürk's principles and reforms, who respect democracy, human rights and freedom, who ask, question, research and use what they have learned effectively and appropriately, who can evaluate current developments with the information they have acquired by following the national and universal agenda through written and visual media, and who can make predictions about the future by analyzing the past and present in the light of these evaluations.

Our disciplines include Social Studies, Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution, Religion and Ethics. 

The courses of the department, based on the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education, are a program that appeals to students with different learning styles by taking into account their individual differences with the approach that differences are richness. The program is student-centered, inquiry-based; aiming to develop intellectual skills as well as academic skills. Educational technology is actively used as well as educational games, virtual museum trips, 3D field studies, urban and out-of-town trips, and rich course materials in terms of content and diversity.


  • The Social Studies Program aims to enable students to acquire the following knowledge and skills;
  • Accepting that there is continuous change and development in human and social life, and adapting to differences in time and environment,
  • Free thinking, tolerance, critical and analytical perspectives, asking questions to interpret society and the environment, and internalizing the requirements of life in society,
  • Internalizing the principles and values of democratic life through awareness of their own rights and respect for the rights of others,
  • Adopting universal values, believing in and contributing to national and international peace, respecting differences, and empathizing,
  • Internalizing the Kemalist thought system, comprehending the place of Atatürk’s Principles and Revolutions in the social, cultural and economic development of the Republic of Turkey, examining cultural and historical processes objectively, and working for the protection and development of cultural heritage,
  • A sense of social responsibility, developed feelings of social solidarity and benevolence, and an active part in volunteer work in this field,
  • World citizenship with a developed awareness of history, nature, culture, aesthetics and the environment, sensitivity to issues concerning the country and the world, and unique individual views for the solution of personal and social problems,
  • Developed eco-literacy skills, awareness of the limitations of natural resources and a sustainable environmental awareness,
  • Curiosity and imagination, access, analysis and application of information, initiative, and practical use of the principles of scientific ethics,
  • Advanced media literacy, digital literacy, financial literacy, cultural and civic literacy,
  • Developed leadership qualities, cooperation and teamwork, and advanced communication skills.



In the Culture Ambassadors club activities are carried out on recognizing the important contributions and effects of various cultures on human history, based on their tangible remains. Our students examine the language, traditions, customs, food, handicrafts, literary works, local clothes, etc. of cultures from different geographies to discover common heritage and global characteristics. Club students produce original work and projects using their imagination and creativity within the framework of the information they discover. At the same time, our club students take an active part in the school’s "Culture, Art and History" projects.



This academic team carries out projects to investigate events in social sciences, especially in disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, mythology and sociology, following the traces of change and continuity in changing times and places. With the projects they develop or are involved in, students use information and communication technologies to work with peers from different countries on an international platform. Historical sensitivity, interdisciplinary perspective, scientific research, and academic integrity are among the topics emphasized in our academic team work.



At all grade levels and within the department activities and projects are carried out to help our students learn the basic concepts and values of constitutional law, to become sensitive individuals who can critically look at problems within the framework of these concepts and values, express their own thoughts, respect the opinions of others, have a culture of peaceful coexistence, and know their rights and responsibilities. Activities we have carried out include;


  • Children’s Rights Workshops
  • Law Talks
  • “Anayasa Candır” Interdisciplinary Project
  • The competition aims to help our 5th grade students to lead social change and have an understanding of building a better world for everyone. It is held within the scope of the "Science, Society and Technology" learning area.



General knowledge and quiz competitions are traditionally held at each grade level every year. Students face questions from the fields of general culture, history, geography, cinema, literature, etc. and show what they know while having fun. 



Projects and competitions with different themes are organized nationally by grade level every year. 



SEV Talks is a platform where our students can talk about their areas of interest and present ideas worth sharing to the school community. Our students take part as speakers in the event with inspiring speeches that offer different perspectives.