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“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
 Arthur C. Clarke


SEV Innovation and Technology Department aims to train digitally literate students who can use tools effectively, do research using accurate and reliable sources, follow changing trends and technologies, and have advanced problem-solving skills.


In line with these goals, our students will be digitally literate and able to prepare their own homework, use the right sources with appropriate references, browse reliable web pages, and master basic computer and coding skills.





As a member of the SEV family, it is a priority for us to provide 21st century skills for our developing and changing world.

In accordance with this, every student gets acquainted with Computer Science from kindergarten, and  until graduation they learn to develop their competencies in basic information literacy, coding, digital citizenship, internet security and ethics, internet search techniques, web 2.0 tools, basic design tools (2D-3D design) and MAKER.

Our students receive training and practice with online tools (Google Suite: Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms) to develop projects collaboratively and present their products to their class.


Digital Citizenship


The subject of Digital Citizenship is covered in Information Technologies and Software courses throughout the year, with content and activities suitable for all levels.


Both national and international resources are used to examine Digital Citizenship and Internet Security (Kesf@ Project, Common Sense Education, Google Interland, Yeşilay TBM etc.) Information is given on the following topics with activities planned to be suitable for all levels.


  • Cyberbullying
  • Technology addiction
  • Proper use of social media
  • Digital privacy and security
  • Internet ethics
  • Self-Expression and a digital footprint
  • Our part in internet culture
  • Clickbait and dangers of the internet
  • Plagiarism and respecting the work of others



Our students are introduced to coding in kindergarten and take algorithmic thinking, problem solving and critical thinking skills to the next level each and every day.
The tools we use while carrying out coding activities are as follows:


  • Code.org
  • Scratch Block Coding
  • Arduino Coding
  • BB8-Sphero Coding
  • mBot Robot Coding
  • MIT App Inventor (Mobile App)
  • W3 Schools (HTML)
  • Python Programming Language
  • Lego Spike & Lego Mindstorms EV3
  • Micro: Bit Encoding



The Maker movement has spread rapidly around the world. With this trend a "do it yourself" attitude is developing in students starting from the younger age groups. We aim to develop the students in a versatile way through projects that combine tne technologies used in schools.
Projects for daily life such as vertical farming, garden irrigation, etc. are developed with Arduino, Micro: Bit, mBot, Lego, Scratch or Python coding tools.

With the “MAKER” activities included in our curriculum we aim to train our students as individuals who keep in step with the times, develop problem-solving skills. and gain multidimensional thinking skills.

The tools we use while carrying out Maker and design activities are as follows:

  • TinkerCAD 3D Design and Printing (3D printers)
  • Sketchup 3D Architectural Design
  • Canva Graphic Design
  • Adobe Photoshop Photo Editing
  • Arduino Circuit Programming
  • Lego Spike & Lego Mindstorms EV3




FIRST Lego League (FLL) Tournament

In this tournament our First Lego League academic team students investigate a problem related to the theme given by the Science Heroes Association every year, conduct a project research for the problem, develop a solution, and program robot tasks accordingly.

Being a team, helping each other, taking responsibility, fulfilling tasks on time, strong team communication, active listening, research and questioning are among the important values ​​we want to see in all team members.

Team members, who work on innovative solution projects like scientists, design a unique robot and write a program using the Lego Spike and Lego Mindstorms EV3 set to complete the tasks set for the season.
Our students also gain experience in cooperative learning, critical thinking, presentation skills, and friendly competition.



European Code Week is celebrated in our school simultaneously with all European countries, with various activities planned both inside and outside the classroom.

Our students do coding activities with various applications throughout the week and experience the awareness of using developing technology effectively, efficiently and product-oriented.

In addition, they aim to be entrepreneurs, think creatively and contribute to the country's economy with innovation.


CODING WEEK (Hour of Code)


"Hour of Code"week is also celebrated simultaneously with the whole world.

By celebrating the week with various coding activities planned in and out of the classroom, our students discover that learning coding can change our way of thinking, and that it can contribute to our development of different solution methods in solving problems by thinking creatively and flexibly.



"Informatics Week" aims to arouse the curiosity of our students to experience new technologies through activities in the fields of algorithms, coding and robotics both in the classroom and in the auditorium and lobby areas.

Our students are given the opportunity to experience these technologies with activities held at Virtual Reality (VR), mBot, Lego Spike, 3D printer, coding and 3D design  exhibits in the foyer area.



Various activities are organized in our school to increase our students' environmental awareness. In the Scratch Design Contest, our students are expected to code an educational game using Scratch 3.0 software for the solution of an environmental problem, and participate in a competition with their product.

We care about contributing to the development of our students' algorithmic and critical thinking skills through block-based coding activities.