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Çiğdem Odabaşı, who came to our school for an activity, took each class separately to the drama class. Each class had a 40-minute lesson with her. She focused on the concepts of trust, friendship, betrayal, jealousy, homeland and love mentioned in the book of the Paul Street Boys by playing various games with the students.

In the first game, she had students play ‘puss in the corner’ game and then she asked their opinions about how they felt when they were out of the field.

In the second activity, the students split into two groups and behaved like knights. Students were provided to question the life by playing the roles of the people who win, loose and betray.

In the third activity, she put some papers on the floor. Each student stepped on one of the papers. When the music started, the students began to dance and meanwhile Çiğdem Odabaşı took a few of the papers on the floor. As long as music played, the papers were declining. As the papers decreased, students had to share the papers to stand on. She asked students opinions about the reduction of green fields by emphasizing on the influence of construction on the society.