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Every year The Health and Education Foundation (SEV) and The American Turkish Society (ATS) partner together to host an American teacher to our school who teaches as aspect of Turkish culture to American students. 

Every year the ATS gives an award to an exceptional American teacher and sponsors travel for both the teacher and a delegate of students.  This year, Sarah Mays from Richmond, Virginia, won the award and spent a week visiting our school. 

Ms.. Mays showed our seventh grade students the theoretical and practical common connections between İznik tiles and patchwork quilts. 

Members from our school accompanied Ms. Mays to the İznik Foundation to support her vested interest in İznik tiles. 

Four of our seventh graders also went with Ms.. Mays to visit the Turkish and Islamic Art Museum. Ms. Mays said that she enjoyed spending time at our school and with our students and that she also would like to visit Istanbul again in the near future.